Find ZERO SV Keyword With The Help Of GSC
By optimizing existing articles or adding new articles on the demandable topics you could boost your traffic with the help of GSC/Google Search Console. Here are the steps: 3. Then click on the “Query” button. 4. Click on “Custom (Regex)” and apply. 5. Then select “Matches Regex” and Add “([^” “]*\s){15,}?” hit apply. Better if […]
How To Measure A Website Topical Authority Score? (Part 1)
For “SEO” Term How Much Does Google Prefer This Site? (In Short, How Much Is The Topical Authority)? Without SEO Google Index 5070 Pages, For “SEO” Google Identifies 4070 Pages Are Discussed About SEO Term. So, The Topical Authority Score Will Be: Formula: Index Pages For The Terms/ Full Website Index Pages. 4070/5060=0.80 So, This […]
How Can I Understand Which Website Should I Outlink From Mine?
When deciding which websites to outlink to from your own, it’s important to consider several factors. Here are some guidelines to help you make the right choice: By following these guidelines, you can help ensure that the websites you outlink to from your own are high-quality, relevant, and trustworthy, which can ultimately help to improve […]
Question Hub Alternative
Google does have a platform called “Question Hub,” which is designed to help content creators gather ideas for new articles by surfacing questions that people around the world are asking about a particular topic. The platform aggregates questions from various sources, including search engines and social media platforms, and provides them to content creators in […]
How To Make Plan For A New Website?
Here is a general SEO plan for a new website: It’s important to note that SEO is a long-term strategy and it can take time to see results. It’s a good idea to be patient and consistently work on improving your website’s SEO over time. Elaborating Every Step For Better Understanding here is a more […]
What To Consider Before Buying An Expired Domain?
There are several factors you should consider before buying an expired domain: Here are some important tips to keep in mind when purchasing an expired domain: Here are a few blog resources that may be helpful for learning about expired domains: It’s important to keep in mind that purchasing an expired domain can be risky, […]
How To Do Internal Link Perfectly?
1. Go to Ahref Webmaster Tool. 2. If you already verified your website then go to the site audit. 3. On the right side you can see “Internal Link Opportunity”. 4. Now you can find “Internal Link” with proper anchor text and keyword volume also. Thank you.