Blogging Vs. YouTube: Which Platform To Choose For Income?

Are you tired of the 9-to-5 grind and looking to make money from the comfort of your own home? Luckily, in today’s digital age, there are numerous opportunities to earn an income online. Two of the most popular platforms for creating content and generating revenue are blogging and YouTube. Blogging allows you to write about your passions and interests, while YouTube allows you to create video content and cultivate a community. But which platform is the best choice for those looking to make a steady income? As someone who has experienced success on both platforms, I’ll be comparing the pros and cons of blogging vs. YouTube to help you choose the best option for your income goals. So, grab a cup of coffee and let’s dive into the world of content creation!

Blogging vs. YouTube: Which Platform to Choose for Income?

Key Features

FormatWritten contentVideo content
Cost to StartLowLow to moderate
Skills RequiredWriting, editing, formatting, SEOVideo production, editing, SEO
Target AudienceReaders who prefer written contentViewers who prefer visual content
Monetization OptionsAds, sponsored content, affiliate marketingAds, sponsorships, merchandise sales



  • Length of posts: Typically 500-1500 words
  • Publishing frequency: 1-3 times per week
  • Potential income: $500-$10,000/month
  • Top earners: HuffPost, Engadget, Moz


  • Video length: Typically 5-20 minutes
  • Publishing frequency: 1-2 times per week
  • Potential income: $500-$10,000/month
  • Top earners: PewDiePie, Shane Dawson, MrBeast

Blogging vs. YouTube: Which Platform to Choose for Income?


In today’s digital age, earning an income has been made easier with the rise of online platforms such as blogging and YouTube. These platforms offer a great way to create and share content with millions of viewers, but deciding which one to choose for income can be challenging. In this article, we’ll compare and contrast blogging versus YouTube, evaluating the pros and cons of each platform, and offering suggestions for potential buyers.



Blogging is a platform that allows individuals to share their written thoughts, opinions, and findings in a blog format. These blogs are web-based journals that can cover any topic imaginable, from fashion to personal finance, politics to travel, and more.


  • Blogging gives you complete control over your content and branding.
  • Blogs can be monetized through ad networks, affiliate marketing, and sponsored posts.
  • Blogs allow you to create a niche audience and establish yourself as an industry expert.
  • Different ways to make money, and content can live on indefinitely.


  • Blogging requires consistent, high-quality content to build an audience.
  • It may take months to years to generate a steady income.
  • Generating traffic to your website can be time-consuming and challenging.

Key Points

  • In 2020, blogs were the third most influential digital resource for making purchasing decisions.
  • According to Statista, the ad revenue of the iGaming market was $59.6 billion in 2020.
  • The top-performing blogs are niche-specific and offer unique content.


  • Easy to use platforms such as WordPress, Wix, and Blogger.
  • Complete control over created content and brand direction.
  • Ability to monetize via multiple revenue streams.
  • Flexible and versatile content sharing, including video, text, and visuals.



YouTube is a video-sharing platform that allows users to upload, view, and share videos. It created for people to share their opinions, tutorials, reviews, experiences, and more. The platform also offers advertising opportunities and revenue sharing for creators.


  • YouTube reaches an extensive, international audience of over two billion users.
  • YouTube rewards consistency with financial rewards and views.
  • The platform offers multiple revenue streams, such as advertising, sponsorships, and merchandise sales.


  • YouTube’s algorithm controls the visibility of a creator’s content which can lead to uncertainty about income.
  • YouTube requires time, effort, and resources to produce high-quality video content.
  • Ad revenue is determined by YouTube which affects earning potential.

Key Points

  • According to AGConnected, farms that use video marketing have a 69% higher rate of customer acquisition than non-video users.
  • In 2020, YouTube was the second most influential digital resource for consumer purchases.
  • It is the most popular social network among US adults aged between 18 to 24 years old.


  • Easy to use platform that allows for video creation and sharing.
  • Wide international audience with access to content in multiple languages.
  • Multiple revenue streams such as ads, sponsorships, and merchandise sales.
  • Various monetization opportunities with YouTube partner programs.


Both blogging and YouTube offer potential income opportunities. As with anything, there are pros and cons and trade-offs. Blogging offers content freedom, niche-targeting, and the ability to control the brand. YouTube offers massive visibility, faster monetization, and a global audience. Keep in mind that both options require time, effort, and consistency.

Ultimately, the choice between blogging and Youtube will depend on personal goals, preferences, and the type of content one wants to create. Still, at the end of the day, with hard work, dedication, and a good strategy, both blogging and YouTube can be a fulfilling and lucrative source of income.

Blogging vs. YouTube: Which Platform to Choose for Income?

Guidelines for Using Blogging vs. YouTube: Which Platform to Choose for Income?

1. Consider Your Content Type

When deciding which platform to focus on, consider the type of content you want to create. If you prefer writing and have a talent for crafting in-depth blog posts, blogging might be the better option for you. Conversely, if you are comfortable in front of the camera and want to create video content, YouTube might be the better option.

2. Analyze Your Target Audience

Take the time to study your target audience and determine which platform they prefer. If your niche primarily consumes content via blogs, investing more in blogging would be wise. However, if they prefer video content, you should focus your efforts on YouTube.

3. Consider Monetization Options

Both platforms offer various ways to generate income, so researching how to monetize your content on each platform is crucial. For example, YouTube offers advertising revenue sharing and sponsorships, while bloggers can generate income via affiliate marketing and selling e-books.

How To Choose between Blogging and YouTube for Income

1. How To Determine Your Strengths and Preferences

To choose the right platform between Blogging and YouTube for earning income, you need to identify your strengths and preferences first. Analyze your skills and interests and go for a platform that aligns with them.
If you are more comfortable in writing, enjoy researching and have a talent for creating engaging content with words, then blogging is for you. On the other hand, if you are confident in front of a camera, have exceptional video editing skills and can entertain an audience, then YouTube is the way to go.

2. How To Gauge The Potential Audience Reach

Before deciding on the platform, you need to measure the potential audience’s reach and size of both platforms. Keep in mind that YouTube’s audience is mostly visual, while blogging is text-based. Research and analyze your niche and see which platform caters to your target audience the most.

3. How To Create Valuable Content

Creating valuable content is vital to the success of any platform. However, the approach would be somewhat different in Blogging vs. YouTube. Study your niche and create content that solves your audience’s queries, covers topics of their interest and adds value in their lives.

Create a content plan and schedule for blogs, including SEO optimization, blogs formatting, and headlines. For YouTube, create entertaining, informative, educational, or eye-catching video content. Use persuasive video intros, create engaging stories, and edit with transitions and effects to make it interesting.

4. How To Monetize Your Content

Both Blogging and YouTube offer various monetization methods. For Blogging, you can earn through Google AdSense, affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, or selling digital products. On the other hand, YouTube allows you to monetize content through ads, brand deals, crowd-funding, merchandise, or Acorn partnerships. However, to monetize your content, you need to have a substantial following, so initially, focus on building your audience.

5. How To Promote Content For Maximum Visibility

In both Blogging and YouTube, promotion is essential. Creating great content is not enough; you need to take steps to ensure that it reaches the maximum audience. For Blogging, you can use various tactics like guest blogging, outreach, social media promotion, or paid advertisement. For YouTube, you can use SEO optimization, title and thumbnail creation, video promotion tools, or collaborations with other YouTubers.

In conclusion, choosing between Blogging vs. YouTube for income is a challenging decision but becomes easier if you analyze your strengths, preferences, target audience and create valuable content to monetize it in various ways.

Frequently Asked Questions about Blogging vs. YouTube for Income

1. Is it easier to make money on blogging or YouTube?

It depends on your skills and preferred platform. Blogs rely heavily on written content and search engine optimization (SEO), while YouTube channels require consistent video production and audience engagement. Both require time and effort to grow, but some bloggers find it easier to monetize through affiliate marketing or sponsored content, while YouTubers can generate ad revenue and sponsorships.

2. Can I use both blogging and YouTube to earn income?

Absolutely! Many content creators use both platforms to diversify their income streams. For example, you can create blog posts that complement your YouTube video content and vice versa. Additionally, you can use your blog to drive traffic to your YouTube channel and vice versa.

3. Do I need a large audience to make money on either platform?

Not necessarily. While having a large audience can certainly help you earn more money, there are various ways to monetize even with a small following. For bloggers, affiliate marketing, sponsored content, and selling digital products can generate income. For YouTubers, ad revenue, sponsorships, and merchandise sales can also bring in money.

4. How long does it take to start earning income on blogging or YouTube?

It varies, but generally, it takes time and effort to build an audience and monetize your content. For bloggers, it can take several months to a year or more before generating consistent income through sponsored content or affiliate marketing. For YouTubers, reaching the monetization threshold (1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours) can take time, but once achieved, ad revenue and sponsorships can start rolling in. Patience and consistent effort are key.

5. Which platform should I choose as a beginner content creator?

Both platforms have their pros and cons, and ultimately, it should come down to your skills and preferences. Blogging might be a better choice for those who enjoy writing, while YouTube might be a better option for those who are comfortable with video content. It’s also important to consider your niche and target audience, as some topics may be better suited for one platform over the other. Ultimately, it’s best to experiment with both platforms and see which one resonates with you and your audience.

In summary, both blogging and YouTube are great platforms to earn an income. Blogging is ideal for those who enjoy writing and have a niche expertise, while YouTube is perfect for video-makers who are comfortable in front of the camera. When it comes to monetization, both platforms offer various options such as display ads, affiliate marketing, and sponsored content.

However, it’s important to note that success on either platform requires dedication, hard work, and creativity. Building a following takes time, and there will be ups and downs along the way.

If you’re struggling to decide which platform to choose, it’s worth considering your strengths, interests, and willingness to put in the effort. You could even explore the option of using both platforms simultaneously.

In conclusion, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of whether blogging or YouTube is better for income. It ultimately comes down to personal preference and what works best for you. Whichever platform you choose, stay consistent, create quality content, and enjoy the journey of building your brand and growing your income.

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